Stroke Therapy Treatment Methods snappy Cure Disease Stroke

Stroke therapy solution of stroke? As we all know that stroke is a deadly disease and the most common in people in the world. The disease attacks regardless of age, gender, and even tribes.
stroke therapy

Young children and even older people with unhealthy lifestyles and unbalanced can also experience. Recognizing these diseases early would save our lives, because a stroke can occur at any time without symptoms, and occurs suddenly in the human body.

To treat stroke there are several ways you can do, one of them with a stroke therapy.

To determine the presence or absence of blood clots and cause blockage of blood flow in the body or what we call a stroke. Followed by observation to take action that will be taken to destroy the network causes of stroke.

Many stroke therapy treatment for stroke patients are wont to do, such as: modern medicine (physical therapy), traditional (acupuncture) to semi-modern and traditional (laser acupuncture, herbal therapy etc.). The treatment is done to restore muscle strength and stimulate muscles to move again. Some of the treatment options include:

Physical therapy (Modern Medicine) is a physical treatment by using exercise, message, or other type of stroke therapy that uses tools modalities. This therapy requires consideration of the whisper of the patient, such as the inability of a patient or problem - problem experienced by the patient.

Acupuncture therapy is a traditional medicine which can be reached by the whole society for alternative medicine. But most people feel free to choose the treatment of stroke therapy this one, because society considers this therapy is already used school and does not correspond to the modern era. Acupuncture is considered can not do the maximum treatment as well as medical treatment with high technology.

Herbal therapy is a therapy that uses ingredients - herbal ingredients that have been tested the usefulness and benefits by expert medical therapy. Materials used does not contain any chemicals, so this therapy is suitable for patients who want to avoid drugs made from chemicals. Even this type of stroke therapy has been widely used, because many have shown good results, in addition to the discovery of rare side effects.

The indispensable part of the successful treatment of stroke patients is also influenced by the support of the family. Families who care to patients such as delivering the patient to therapy or accompany patients will excite the patient to recover. Patients with stroke were fully supported by the family, recover faster than those who did not. This is related to the patient's psychological condition. Positive suggestions and spirit of a person's soul would be devastating to the physicalthe of the patient. because it stroke therapy and family support becomes a major factor in the healing process as the medical treatment with high technology. Though the therapy is highly evident to support the recovery of stroke patients.

Even this type of stroke therapy has been widely used, because many have shown good results, in addition to the discovery of rare side effects.

The indispensable part of the success of therapy is also influenced by the support of the family. Families who care to patients such as delivering the patient to therapy or accompany patients will excite the patient to recover.

Patients with stroke were fully supported by the family, recover faster than those who did not. This is related to the patient's psychological condition. Positive suggestions and spirit of a person's soul would be devastating to the physical health of the patient. because it stroke therapy and family support becomes a major factor in the healing process of patients.

Stroke therapy is also believed to cure patients of trauma post-stroke. Several therapies are usually done practice runs. Most stroke patients have paralysis on some members of his body, especially on the feet. This is due to an imbalance of motion on the body that came under attack. This is so that the parts that need to be trained to normal function by therapists.

And many other types of stroke therapy that we can get at this time, so that we can prevent the risk - the risk of further health problems could be overcome as soon as possible.

The good news is that 80 percent of all strokes can be prevented. Starting with managing the main risk factors, including high blood pressure, smoking, atrial fibrillation, and lack of physical activity. Of all the number of stroke patients are there, almost half were due to uncontrolled hypertension or high blood pressure, so that the blood pressure is the most indispensable risk factors to control.

Medical treatment can be used to control high blood pressure or manage atrial fibrillation among patients at high risk.

Some of them are :

Anticoagulants / Antiplatelets

Antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and anticoagulants, such as warfarin can interfere with the blood's ability to clot and can play an indispensable role in preventing stroke.


Antihypertensives are medications that treat high blood pressure. Depending on the type of drug, they can lower blood pressure by opening up the blood vessels, decrease in blood volume or decrease the rate or force of heart contractions.

If you are having a stroke, it is indispensable that you get medical attention immediately. treatment to be addressed to minimize the long-term effects of the stroke to prevent death.

There are two types of stroke, including hemorrhagic or ischemic.

Ischemic stroke occurs as a result of the obstruction of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain tissue. and to 87 percent of the causes of stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a weakened blood vessels into the brain tissue.

The most common cause is the occurrence of uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure). Two types of causes weakening of blood vessels that cause hemorrhagic stroke is aneurysm and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).

Some ways of treatment of hemorrhagic stroke are as follows:

Endovascular procedures

Endovascular procedures can be used to treat certain diseases hemorrhagic stroke. This procedure is less invasive than surgical treatment, involves using a catheter inserted through a main artery in the leg or arm, and then guided to the aneurysm or AVM, then deposits the mechanical agents, such as the coil is useful to prevent the rupture of blood vessels.

Surgical treatment

For stroke caused by bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke), or by an abnormal tangle of blood vessels (AVM), surgical treatment can be done to stop the bleeding. If the bleed caused by a ruptured aneurysm (swelling of vessels that break down), a metal clip can be placed at the base of the aneurysm operation to secure it.

Medical care is constantly evolving and growing, treatment of stroke therapy may continue to develop thanks to clinical trials (research). This is a scientific study to determine whether possible original medical methods can help people and whether it has harmful side effects for the treatment of stroke patients.

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